Day 40-51 - Update
Aug 10, 2014
I haven't given up on #summerofme, I've just been a little sidetracked. Between preparing for my talk at Distill and creating a brand new CSS workshop for Ladies Learning Code and working on another contract, I've been putting in some work!
But I don't really feel like I haven't been doing #summerofme projects because I've been doing a lot of coding and trying new things this week. Also, I've done some freelancing here and there in the past but this is the first time that I've taken it on full time so I've also discovered some really great tools for freelancing as well.
Here's my recap.
Toggl for is great for tracking time. Though I'm opting for value based quotes on projects, it's still handy to know roughly how long I spend on different tasks or even just how I spend my day. I track all my non-billable activities as well. After all these years, I still grossly underestimate how long I take to do things so my client is getting quite the deal right now but that's okay, it's all part of the learning process.
Wave Accounting is great for invoicing. I've been a longtime Freshbooks user but decided to make the switch because in addition to invoicing, I love that I can connect my bank accounts and manage my banking transactions. Not only that, I can have multiple profiles so I can also manage my personal banking from Wave as well, meaning no more Mint for me! Now all my "financial stuff" is in one spot.
I used docracy for signing contracts but I'm thinking of switching to HelloSign.
Hate writing CSS3 vendor prefixes? Check this out: -prefix-free by Lea Verou.
I was using for creating my presentation but last minute, literally at 11:30pm the night before my talk, I decided to download the source code and rewrite all the my slides. Downloading the code just gave me more control over what I needed it to do.
Video for the talk coming soon I hope.
Anyhow, I guess that's it for this update!
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