Day 14 & 15 - Old Dog, New Tricks
Jul 5, 2014
I didn't post yesterday but for the last two days, I've been reading JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett as my daily project. I'm not that far into it because, though it is #summerofme, it is also Summer and I didn't want to spend more than 30 mins on it. And, I was out last night :)
I was finding that I was spending more than 30mins a day, everyday because I was trying to post some semi-finished project. Some days it was fine when I was really deep into it and other days, it started to feel like a chore and I was putting off doing other things that I need to do. So, to find a balance between keeping this up daily without letting it take over, I will continue to post updates but will stop stressing about having a "finished" project to show everyday.
Back to the book. First of all, it's beautiful, so it's just inviting and makes you want to read it. It's nice to look at printed pages instead of a screen for a change. Also, it's written is a way that is easy to understand without being overly simplistic. I'm getting a lot of ideas for writing lesson plans and workshops!
Since I'm just in the first chapter, I've haven't run into anything new just yet but I'm still no expert in JavaScript so hopefully this old dog can learn some new tricks :)
Also, I just restored my computer back to it's factory settings so I'm in the process of downloading a bunch of things again so I'm actually editing this right it right now!
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