Day 12 -#husbandlearningcode
Jul 2, 2014
When my husband expressed some interest in coding a couple years ago, I was so excited! Since then, I've tried to teach him HTML & CSS here and there but it was so sporadic that I wouldn't remember what I did or didn't show him yet. When I told him about my #summerofme plan, he wanted to do it too. He'll be focusing mostly on photography stuff but part of his summer project is to create his own website. So this will give me an opportunity to finally help him get a website up and running from start to finish.
The first step is just to create a simple splash page. I thought we'd be able to finish quickly since it was pretty simple but picking background images and fonts (as always) took FOREVER. So it's not quite done yet but it's coming!
I also had him try out the Atom editor too. I think it's starting to grow on me.
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