Day 2 - Github Pages & Jekyll
Jun 22, 2014
I was planning to just update the styles for this page for today's project but that wasn't much of an "experiment" since I was just writing some basic CSS. Instead, I decided to finally give Jekyll a try.
I spent more than 30 minutes on this today but I'm not exactly sure how long since I took a dinner break but I'd say maybe about an hour or so. It was actually pretty easy to set up and probably shouldn't even take that long to get it up and running but I was dilly-dallying a bit.
With Jekyll, I can now create templates and includes without using PHP and I can continue to use Markdown without manually exporting the files to HTML. Between using this and LiveReload, pretty much everything is automatic!
Easy to follow instuctions here: Get Started with GitHub Pages (Plus Bonus Jekyll)
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